The Wild Unknown tarot deck has been a vital part of my tarot journey so far. As I further delve into its imagery, I am drawn deeper into the depths of these mystical cards.
As the creator of this deck states: there are no rights or wrongs, only mirrors for reflection. The Wild Unknown Tarot card meanings are for your own interpretation, but I’ll tell you one thing for sure: this deck is not for the faint-hearted. While there are cards that feature sweet and innocent imagery, there are also those of an extremely dark nature.
Take the below cards as an example:
The Fool: 0 9 of Swords
On the left, we have this cute little guy! A beautiful young chick taking his first steps into the world.
On the right, we have…. well, I’ll let you interpret that one!
As you browse the images on the cards, you’ll see that the more serious cards amongst the 78 really don’t beat about the bush like some other decks do. So, if you’re looking for all sunshine, rainbows and twin flames, this is probably not the deck for you!
I was very drawn to this deck and have grown a strong attachment to it over these last months. The other-worldly imagery that Kim Krans has so brilliantly brought to life perfectly mirrors my journey with the tarot so far. I see the tarot as a spiritual tool of self-discovery that lets you delve deeper into your subconscious and narrow the gap between you and that which is outside of you – whatever you believe that to be. Tarot allows you to tap into your intuition and reveal things that are otherwise hidden from you. It invites you to think outside of the box and look for deeper meaning, discovering more about life, the world and your place within it.
As I learn more about these cards, I’ve decided to keep a journal to help me along my journey. I find writing is another gateway to tapping into your subconscious. Once you get into the flow, the words barely reach your conscious mind before they are spilling out onto the page in perfect sync. And so, I now begin documenting my perceptions, thoughts and feelings about these fascinating cards. I hope that this will help both myself and others decipher The Wild Unknown Tarot card meanings.
So, dear wild one, let’s delve deeper: the more open our minds, the more we will gain from our journey.
The Wild Unknown Tarot Card Meanings: Major Arcana
The Wild Unknown Tarot Card Meanings: Minor Arcana
The Swords Suit
The suit of swords deals with energies dominating the mind – from focus and mental clarity through to distress and inner turmoil. This suit represents action, communication, logic and intellect, while often dealing with heavy energies of conflict, destructive habits and power. The swords suit is ruled by the element of air.