As the deck’s creator, Kim Krans states: there are no rights or wrongs, only mirrors for reflection. The meaning of The Wheel of Fortune in The Wild Unknown Tarot is for our own interpretations. From my analysis, take with you only what feels right! You can view my analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown tarot here.
The Wheel of Fortune is always turning. It is often called the wheel of destiny. Whatever your beliefs: fate, chance, or divine orchestration, this card signals a crucial time in your life. The Wheel of Fortune indicates that change is afoot. All events, big or small, have a knock-on effect across many areas of your life. This is reflected strongly in the card’s imagery.
Imagery and Symbolic Meaning
The Wheel of Fortune in the Wild Unknown Tarot is held together by different coloured cords. The range of colours represent the elemental energies of earth, air, fire and water, swirling within each of us. These different aspects are intertwined. They are connected, just like all facets of our lives are in constant motion; in constant sync. When change occurs, expect to see it surface in many areas. Consider this a major turning point in your life.
The cords on the wheel are far from orderly! They’re tangled and wild-looking, for they’ve been on quite a journey. As have we all in this crazy thing called life. The wheel never stops spinning; it never stops to rest, day or night. This is reflected in the scenes of daytime on one half of the card, and nighttime on the other. The cycle of day and night is one of the most basic laws of life. It is an inevitable fact of life, as is the presence of the wheel – the cycle of change. It never stops. This concept is furthered by the presence of the nocturnal owl perched on the wheel – even in darkness, there is movement of life.

White owls have long been considered very spiritual animals and there’s a definite sense of mystical wisdom portrayed. We’ve all heard the sayings of the ‘wise old owl’, praised for its intuitive knowledge, fearless spirit, patience and endurance. Spiritually, this nocturnal creature can carry the message to expect the unexpected, trust your intuition and step fearlessly into the unknown.
In many traditions, the owl is symbolic of death. However, just like the death card in tarot, this symbol rarely means literal death. Rather, it refers to ending and rebirth: a period of transformation. This clever use of symbolism brilliantly portrays this concept of inevitable change – a focal meaning behind the wheel.
There’s an undeniable air of mystery in the Wheel of Fortune card in this deck. If it wasn’t for the rainbow of colour on the cords of the wheel, I would almost describe it as eerie. Sometimes twists of fate can be rather eerie – those moments that make us question everything we have known to be true about this mysterious web; this complex tapestry of life.
Meaning of The Wheel of Fortune: The Wild Unknown Tarot Card in a Reading
The Wheel of Fortune in the Wild Unknown Tarot highlights the themes of fate and destiny. The cycle of change is made up of a number of complex energies, some within you, and some external to you.
When this card appears in your reading, it often points to luck being on your side. The area of life this is referring to will depend on the other cards in your spread. When the wheel is focused on you, you should expect the unexpected. Whatever happens can feel good or bad – such is the nature of the soul’s journey. The Wheel of Fortune asks you to see the bigger picture and know that the universe has a plan for you. Whatever comes your way is aligning you closer to your purpose. Remember that the tapestry of life is complex. Sometimes what initially seems like bad luck actually turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Important transitions are taking place or are about to happen, so be ready for the winds of change. This is a major turning point in your life.
Regardless of whether or not you believe that everything in your life is mapped out for you, you always have free will. An opportunity may be heading your way, but like most things in life, you’ll have to reach for it. Have you ever met someone who met the love of their life while hiding away at home knitting? The question is: what will you do during this time? The wise owl knows when to act, and when to be still. Follow your intuition and you won’t be lead astray.
If you feel like something is ‘destined’ to happen at this time, you are probably right! Or if you’re at a period in life where you feel like everything is stagnant, rest assured that the wheel is turning. The opportunity for positive change is coming.
Click here for an analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown tarot.