I don’t know what it is with me and the weather! When the sun is out, most days I’ll jump out of bed like a spring chicken, ready to take on the day like sonic the hedgehog. When it’s raining outside, I tend to hit the snooze button; I’ll crawl out of bed; I’ll choose the old blue coffee cup over that nice new yellow one.
This was all true until I discovered my love of craft. Spring has arrived, and anyone who’s lived in Scotland will know that spring is our summer! We’ve had amazing weather for weeks now – something which is really rare in this beautiful but undeniably drizzly part of the world! It’s easy to find crafty inspiration when the sun is shining because let’s face it, your day is full of much more happiness when the sun is shining.

We recently had our first bit of rain in a while. The first I’ve seen rain in about three solid months (I’m sure the only time this has happened to me was when I was living in outback Australia!). It was strange, but… I felt inspired to go to my craft corner (a table currently covered in a vast array of beads in all shapes and sizes). Rather than going to the external world for my happiness fix, here I was looking through all these beads, choosing materials and colour combinations that transported me to somewhere else. I was transfixed. Orange jasper, bright copper seed beads and yellow hematite quartz.
Crafting with natural materials and colour is a perfect way for me to get in touch with nature. I love the outdoors, so it’s natural for me to get a bit down at times when I feel trapped in the house, but there are other ways to get in touch with the things you love.
I may not be out swimming in the ocean or feeling the sand under my feet, but using craft to bring colour to your life, with nature as inspiration is the next best thing!

There’s no better feeling than holding that item you’ve just created. Using gemstones and colour to create something really does feel therapeutic. It’s no wonder that people turn to colour therapy and crystals for different forms of healing! I was no longer stuck in my house because it was pouring with rain outside. I embraced that rain and turned it into something positive. That’s something everyone can do if they put their mind to it.
All of my items are inspired by nature and this wasn’t intentional! But when I hold a design I’ve just created, I’m always certain that it was inspired by somewhere special: landscapes; lakes; the sea. Just have a look around my shop and you’ll see!
So I’ve made a pact with myself now. Every time it rains, instead of feeling at a loss, I’m going to turn inward and get in touch with myself and my crafty side. Because crafting truly does bring colour to your life!
What do you do when it’s raining outside? Do you wish for the better weather or do something creative to put a positive spin on your day? I would love to hear ways that you use craft to bring colour to your life!