As the deck’s creator, Kim Krans states: there are no rights or wrongs, only mirrors for reflection. The meaning of The High Priestess in The Wild Unknown Tarot is for our own interpretations. From my analysis, take with you only what feels right! You can view my analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown tarot here.
The High Priestess has an air of all-knowing. She is highly intuitive and in touch with the universe. She receives messages from the divine realm through dreams, meditation, signs and synchronicities. Sometimes she just knows things. She can sense what others cannot. Mysterious and still, she is able to connect and work with higher powers.
Imagery and Symbolic Meaning
The waning moon in the starry sky illuminates and guides her. She works with the moon’s cycle and harnesses the lunar currents. They help her to set her intentions and rituals, maintaining her connection to life and to spirit.

The High Priestess in the wild unknown tarot is intensely powerful, for knowledge is power. With a crystal ball sitting by her heart, she grasps the knowledge of the entire global sphere and that outside it. She has the power of psychic wisdom and intuition in her hands (or paws, as the case may be!).
There is so much beauty and mystery in this card. Her magical sphere holds blue and purple mist. The deep blue symbolises intelligence, trust and elegance, while purple speaks of wisdom, mystery and magic. The sphere also features mists of black and white. Dark and light. Just like her beautiful, sleek coat. Her spirit roams freely in darkness and in light; the seen and unseen realms. She belongs in both the physical and the metaphysical, harnessing knowledge and power in realms that pass others by.
This fierce, majestic creature is extremely rare – the white tiger occurs naturally in one of every 10,000 Bengal tigers. Their strength and stature is unmatched by others of their kind. The white tiger traditionally symbolises instinct, willpower, vision and clairvoyance, and her presence in this card is no exception. Her tranquil yet powerful energy exudes fearlessness, spiritual awakening, inner knowing and strength.
Meaning of The High Priestess: The Wild Unknown Tarot Card in a Reading
The High Priestess asks you to learn to absorb and understand the deeper messages in your life. Your sacred space can be found within. So be silent, and listen to the whispers of your heart. Pay attention to your intuition and dreams. This is not a time to shun your intuitive nudges. The High Priestess connects with her subconscious, not close-minded logic. Look beneath the surface and seek counsel from within.
In the Wild Unknown deck, this card speaks to me of magic, feminine (yin energy) leadership and ritual. At times, it asks that we seek and practice connection to the divine. When you work with divine energy, all will be revealed. The High Priestess has heightened psychic senses; an all-seeing eye, known in Hinduism as the ‘third eye’. There are many ways to open the crown chakra, should you so desire. Using crystals to work with divine energy and practising meditation to connect to your higher self and intuition is an excellent place to start. The High Priestess can represent stepping into a spiritual role, such as a healer. Perhaps you have felt called to aromatherapy, reiki, alternative medicine or spiritual counselling.
Deepening your spiritual practise can assist you in discovering your soul path as well as seeking the truth in a given situation. The High Priestess asks you to dig deeper and uncover the truth, for there is more going on than meets the eye. Perhaps there is some information being obscured from you by another, hidden beneath the surface. Or perhaps there are deeper layers of yourself to be uncovered. This can take the form of shadow work, which allows you to uncover deep-rooted wounds which can affect many areas of your life. Self-reflection and acknowledgement is key, as is kindness and self-love. It can be tough to do this work, but the journey will be well worth it. Trust your gut feelings, accept truths without judgement and you can then begin to release what no longer serves you. You’ll know what to do.
Click here for an analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown tarot.