As the deck’s creator, Kim Krans states: there are no rights or wrongs, only mirrors for reflection. The meaning of The Empress in The Wild Unknown Tarot is for our own interpretations. From my analysis, take with you only what feels right! You can view my analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown tarot here.
The Empress shines bright on even the darkest of nights. She is abundant and fruitful, and exudes the perfect energy of Yin. Beautiful and creative – all flock towards her like moths to a flame.
As the goddess of the tarot, she knows her place in the world, and without a single drop of arrogance, she holds herself confidently in high regard. She knows her worth, and this makes her ever more attractive. Full of nurturing energy, she brings hope, joy and love to all those lucky enough to be in her presence.
She is sensual and at one with nature, and she encourages others to be the same; to become the best versions of themselves. Like the sun, she shines a brightness on the world. She knows what is important in life.
With pink blossoms dazzling bright, she is bathed in moonlight. The moon is a feminine symbol, representing the cycles, and the empress herself symbolises fertility and growth; the source of all life. She is at one with nature and is truly connected to all creatures, her environment and the divine realm.
With motherly energy, she will cradle and nurture those in need. She will expect nothing in return, with one exception – respect. The mother demands respect (and quite rightly so!). It would take a lost soul to cause her any harm, and God help them if they do. The empress is one with mother nature, and although she herself would never hurt a fly, mother nature fights back.
Meaning of the Empress: The Wild Unknown Tarot Card in a Reading

The Empress highlights abundance, nurturing and blessings. The source of her Yin energy speaks of growth and fertility (yes, this means a baby may be on the way – but don’t panic! This abundant goddess bears many meanings)…. She also speaks of creativity and bounty – an excellent omen for those on creative pursuits of a business or personal nature!
The Empress asks you to look at your relationship with nature and also your means of manifesting abundance – whatever that might be for you! Are you looking to become more spiritual; more in touch with nature; more of a successful creator?
The Empress reminds us to ground ourselves and tap into our sensuality to manifest positive things into our lives. Are you taking care of yourself and others? Are you nurturing your creative ideas to bring them to life?
All seedlings must be nurtured to bear successful fruit, and with the goddess of fertility by their side, they have many blessings for growth and prosperity!
Click here for an analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown tarot.