As the deck’s creator, Kim Krans states: there are no rights or wrongs, only mirrors for reflection. The meaning of The Chariot in The Wild Unknown Tarot is for our own interpretations. From my analysis, take with you only what feels right! You can view my analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown tarot here.
The Chariot is free-spirited, determined and daring. With extreme strength and stamina, she takes leadership of her life, all the while embracing life’s obstacles and challenges. She is riding the wave of life with determination, exuberance and freedom of spirit.
Imagery and Symbolic Meaning
The first two words that come to mind when looking at this card is ”I’m Free!”. Windswept, with the sun blazing behind her back, lighting up her path, the Chariot truly has a blessed path ahead. The sun is the giver of life, and this wild horse truly is living life in full swing. I mean, look at her! She is beautiful! In the horse world, who wouldn’t want to be her?! She is happy, abundant and free. She knows her path; her purpose and she follows it without a care in the world. She knows her mission. Although there will be obstacles ahead, she will rise to the challenge and succeed.
As an animal, we associate the horse with travel, journeying and freedom. Horses are wild, strong and full of vitality. They travel far and fast. This wild horse takes on her path with incredible stamina, razor-sharp focus and a fearless spirit. You’ll notice that this card has red triangular tips at the corners. The colour red symbolises action, passion and courage. It is perhaps the most bold colour in the entire colour spectrum – well matched with the valiant soul of The Chariot.

The triangle as a shape has had very strong prominence throughout history. Spiritually, the triangle represents enlightenment, ascension and balance. This is a clever use of symbolism as in the traditional Rider-Waite tarot, The Chariot speaks strongly of willpower and control – with two sphinxes, one black, and one white. This represents the need for balance and control of opposing energies in order to achieve one’s goal. This concept is highlighted similarly here, with the simple use of black and white shades, as well as the presence of the sun and the moon symbols – polar opposites, which together create perfect balance. The Chariot certainly has her eye on the prize, and will stop at nothing to achieve it – which includes having mastery over those energies within herself. Fear of what lies ahead? She’ll conquer it. Negative self talk? She’ll conquer it. Distractions? She’ll conquer those too.
The horse also symbolises nobility and status. She wears a pentacle on a chain around her neck. The pentacle speaks of abundance and success, which she carries with her wherever she goes. As the noble horse she is, she wears this proudly as her badge of honour. Pentacles also represent the element of earth in the tarot. Earth energy is very stable and grounded. This tells us that she has let go of all the worries of life, and has learned to trust that all is well. Grounded in the present moment, she is confident she will achieve her goal.
The symbol of the moon on the horse’s head tells us that The Chariot is blessed with intuitive knowledge and is guided by spirit. Her instinct is very powerful and will always keep her on her path. The horse itself is a well-renowned spirit animal, furthering this sense of being guided. In Celtic lore, the horse is believed to enhance visionary gifts and connection to spirit. Fully supported by the Divine, she will be provided with everything she needs on her journey, including the power of self-mastery. She shows leadership and fearlessly moves forward towards her goal.
Meaning of The Chariot: The Wild Unknown Tarot Card in a Reading
In a reading, The Chariot in The Wild Unknown tarot screams ”go for it!”. Don’t look back, for your path ahead is blessed. There will be obstacles, but the powerful horse is always up for a challenge. The Chariot asks that you take control of a situation with incredible momentum and a fearless spirit. Find the inner warrior inside you and let the energy of the Chariot propel you forward towards your goal.
In a literal sense, The Chariot can also speak of actual travel on the horizon. Perhaps you’ve been planning for a journey or a road trip!
The Chariot asks you to explore all that life has to offer, while also embracing life’s challenges. With the wind at your back, you’ll have power, courage and endurance. Don’t let fear hold you back. Embrace your new path and break free from any bonds that bind you. Be fully present in this moment and move forward with full force. With determination, willpower and a strong spirit, you’ll travel the path of success and achieve your victory.
If you’ve been thinking about starting something new – a project, a job, a move – It’s time to begin your voyage. If you’ve already started on your path, keep going! Believe in yourself and what you can achieve. Take on the energy of the Chariot and you’ll get through anything. You can do this!
Click here for an analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown tarot.