Intrigued by meditation? Then this is an excellent time to start! Here you will find some simple meditation tips for beginners, broken down into 12 easy steps for guaranteed success!
1. Create a Space for Meditating
Of all the meditation tips for beginners, this is the first vital step in setting your intention! Find a nice quiet space to use each time you meditate. This helps support habit and with time your mind will start to associate this space with the practise, making it easier to reach a meditative state with each and every try. Better still – create a sacred space. If you’re into Feng Shui, there are some simple steps you can follow to create a meditation space that will improve your meditation practice.

Not into Feng Shui? Not to worry! Just make sure your space is neat and tidy, with nice lighting that doesn’t feel harsh on the eye. You want a space that promotes a state of relaxation, so you might choose to use plants, candles, comfy cushions – the list goes on! A decluttered space = a decluttered mind.
2. Wear Comfortable Clothing
Needless to say, this is not a time for hot pants and stilettos! Your senses are heightened during meditation and any discomfort you feel will be intensified. There’s nothing worse than wearing tight-fitted clothing when you’re meditating as you become very aware of it and you’ll find that it constrains both you and your breathing. This leads to fidgeting and can interrupt you when you’re trying to get into the zone! And speaking of interruptions:
3. Choose your Position Carefully
You might like to use a cushion or mattress to support you when you’re sitting up or lying down. As your senses are heightened, you will likely start to notice any feeling of discomfort quite intensely and this can become a distraction! Although it is important not to fidget during meditation, it is absolutely fine to stop and make yourself comfortable.

Try different positions and see what works for you! Warning: unless you’re looking to meditate to promote sleep, you might not want to get TOO comfy!
4. Have Zero Expectations!
Meditation is something that improves with practice, and for best results you will need to be patient with yourself and keep at it! Go in with a completely open mind, and you might be surprised by the results. Go in with expectations, and these are likely to get in the way of your experience. Meditating can bring up both good and bad emotions – and that’s ok. It is important to acknowledge our emotions for what they are, and meditating is an excellent way to tap into and process our own thoughts and feelings. In this sense, meditation can be a brilliant tool for self-care. It is unrealistic to expect yourself to feel happy every day, but you can give yourself a pat on the back for listening to your voice within!
5. Eliminate Distractions
Let anyone you’re living with know you’re going to be meditating so they can give you some quiet time. Also, kill the mobile phone! The majority of us have an attachment to our phones and other devices, but being snapped out of the zone due to hearing a ping on your mobile just isn’t worth it.

6. Take Baby Steps!
The number of people I’ve heard say they “don’t really have time to meditate”. Nonsense!
“If it’s important to you you’ll find a way, if not you’ll find an excuse”.
Ryan Blair
Even 15 minutes is fine – you can start small and work your way up – as you start to notice the benefits of meditation, chances are it will soon become more of a priority and you’ll naturally spend more time practising.
7. Plan your Sessions
When you plan ahead and set time aside, you’ll be much more consistent with it and you’ll make better progress! Even if you have all the time in the world, you’ll be far more likely to develop a habit and stick to it if you make a schedule!

You should aim to meditate at least 2 or 3 times a week, however some people like to get into the habit every day! In the latter case, it’s a great idea to build this into an existing daily routine, like your morning ritual or reading time before bed.
8. Be a Warrior!
Your body and mind will likely resist the exercise at the start – this is common! Through focus and determination, you will begin to see results. Persistence is key. Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor did Buddha gain enlightenment in an afternoon!
9. Allow Thoughts to Come and Go
Don’t judge them; don’t label them; don’t categorise them. It takes time to quiet the mind – the mind is designed to think! Meditation is not about not thinking. In fact, by tapping further into your subconscious, meditation can help you become more aware of your own thoughts, particularly your thoughts towards yourself. Remember you are in control of your attention, and you can choose to allow your thoughts to drift by, allowing you to go deeper into a different level of consciousness.
10. Wind Down and Clear your Mind
Chances are, if you jump straight into a meditation after a busy day, you’re going to struggle to quiet your mind. It’s a good idea to take some time to wind down, which will help to keep your mind from wandering back to something that happened during the day. You might want to try listening to some relaxing music and taking slow, deep breaths before starting.

11. Focus on your Breathing
Breathing is the key to meditation! Slow, deep breaths induce a state of relaxation. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, with your tongue relaxing on the roof of your mouth throughout. Fully focus on each breath, paying attention to every sensation in your body as you inhale and exhale. After 15 or so breaths, you may start to feel a little different! Keep it up and see what experiences come your way. Breathing is the heart of mindfulness meditation, therefore, anyone can meditate! There is no deep knowledge required, and you can make a start today! You may also wish to try out other types of guided meditation. I’ve found that YouTube is an excellent place to start! With a ton of free resources at your fingertips, you’ll never be short on helpful meditation tips for beginners! Shop around, and see what works for you.
12. Come Back in a Soft Way
You don’t want to abruptly snap out of a deep meditation back to everyday life. Coming back should be an equally important part of the journey. If you experienced visualisations going into your meditative state, it is a good idea to play these out in your mind when you retreat. For example, let’s say you visualise yourself walking from an open meadow into a forest when going into your meditation. In this case, you’ll benefit from revisiting this experience, only backwards – starting in the forest, and coming back to the meadow. Alternatively, you might like to set peaceful music at a low volume on a timer. Each of these methods can help bring you back to everyday life with ease.

So there you have it! 12 simple meditation tips for beginners which you can start practising today! Remember to be kind to yourself: as with most things in life, patience and persistence is the key.