As the deck’s creator, Kim Krans states: there are no rights or wrongs, only mirrors for reflection. The meaning of the Four of Swords in The Wild Unknown Tarot is for our own interpretations. From my analysis, take with you only what feels right! You can view my analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown Tarot here.
The Four of Swords tells us that it is time to recuperate! The lamb has found a way to navigate her inner turmoil. Her fears have been overcome by her newfound strength. Despite her threatening environment, she is confidently and tranquilly riding a wave of inner zen.
Imagery and Symbolic Meaning
Four sharp and sinister swords loom above this delicate creature, but let’s be honest – this brave little lamb is none the worse for it! Just look at that smile on her face! She’s so peaceful, you would actually think she was unaware of these terrorising swords looming overhead.

This lamb is highly spiritual. Her third eye (the chakra located in the centre of the head) is illuminated by a ray of golden light. The colour gold symbolises spiritual wisdom, higher ideals and enlightenment, while the third eye is associated with divine reason, spiritual communication and trust. In other words, she is wide open to messages and energy from source.
The presence of the lamb in this card is highly significant because as an animal totem, it is believed to be one that is closest to the divine world and in sync with spirit. The triangles at the top corners of the card further convey this message because as a shape, the triangle has had very strong prominence throughout history. Spiritually, the triangle represents enlightenment, ascension and balance.
We associate the lamb as a vulnerable creature. Nonetheless, this lamb has balanced her mental energies, embracing her vulnerability and putting her trust wholeheartedly in spirit. She believes that she is safe. The golden ray of light projecting from her mind and illuminating her world tells us that she is connected and open to Divine source energy. She refuses to be overcome by the threatening setbacks overhead. Instead, she accepts her position, she sees those swords clearly in the spacious sky above and says “I’ve got this”.
If we look at the bottom of the card, we can see that she is sitting in darkness, yet around her third eye is a beautiful mist of soft pastel colours. Yellows, greens and blues. These soft, natural colours project a feeling of ease. Like a young lamb sitting in a beautiful meadow, surrounded by flowing water and trees. There are swords overhead and her external world is dark, but she knows she is safe. Through the power of her mind she has created a world full of tranquil colour. Her thoughts become her reality, just like your thoughts become yours.
Meaning of the Four of Swords: The Wild Unknown Tarot Card in a Reading
If you feel despair or fear in your life, do not be overwhelmed. You may feel vulnerable, but you are not powerless. There may be threatening swords in your life, but you have a choice. You can choose to be overpowered by feelings of impending doom, or you can focus your mind, find your inner zen and believe that all is well. Spirit has your back. Be like the lamb, who exudes self-acceptance and trust. Your thoughts affect your emotions and your inner being. By changing your thoughts, you can change your reality. Find ways to bring peace, tranquillity and zen to your life. Imagine that source energy is entering your mind and flowing through your body, like sunlight. This golden light is healing and with focused intention, you can shift energy within you. Practise this, and your world also begins to shift.
There may be things in both your external world and within your mind that make you feel vulnerable, just like the lamb. But look what you can achieve with the power of your mind.
This lamb asks you to let life’s pressures have a hold on you no more. Take some time away from your busy schedule – this will reap more rewards than action right now. Seek spiritual guidance and trust in the solace of your heart. Find a way to quieten the mind, whether that’s through meditation, journalling, meditative exercise or spending time in nature. This is a time for mindfulness and contemplation. Take a break from the busyness and stresses of life, claim power over your thoughts and you will see just how potently this affects your reality.
Click here for an analysis of other cards in The Wild Unknown tarot.
11 August 2021 at 5:38 pmLove the article!
11 August 2021 at 5:52 pmThanks 🙂
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