Netflix and books can only go so far. It’s easy to drown in a TV series, but why not use this time to get in touch with yourself? Here are 8 easy ways to stay sane during quarantine!
1. Start a New Project
Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? Something that’s been cropping up in your mind for a while? Life gets in the way at times, and we often find that those personal projects go right out the window.
Well, now you have all the time in the world. What are you waiting for?!
Whether it’s transforming your garden, selling online or starting a blog, you’re being called! So bite the bullet and start your new project. You never know where it might take you.
2. Communicate
There have been reports that many of us feel more connected to our community now than ever before. Now is the time to come together. So reach out. Everyday. Whether it’s through instant messaging, video calling, picking up the phone or email, there are countless ways to get in touch with the world.
Why not reach out and contact an old friend you haven’t seen in a while? Or knock on your elderly neighbour’s door to check up on them and offer to pick up some supplies. Kindness goes a long way, and the more love we can spread right now, the better our chances of sanity and survival!
3. Conquer your Life Admin
I bet you’ll agree when I say:
It takes a strange individual to enjoy tedious personal admin tasks. If you’re like me, you’ll go as far as saying life admin is the bane of your life! I often have a long to-do list which can sit at a standstill for months on end. But the truth is, these nagging things at the back of our minds are actually clogging up our psyches.

Well, the good news is, now you have the time to free yourself! So grab a pen and a piece of paper, and write down all those annoying tasks (big and small) that you’ve put on the back-burner. If you have a particularly large task, I’d recommend breaking this down into smaller steps – this part is crucial for your sanity!
Have you done that? Ready for the next step? Now draw a square box at the end of each bullet point.
Key rule: do at least one of these tasks on your list every day. If you can manage more, even better!
Don’t forget to tick the box after completing each task. It helps to boost your morale and that final tick feels like closure on that tedious chapter, leaving more room for positive things. Purge it from your mind and celebrate that step towards freedom!
4. Exercise
There’s no better way to release endorphins than through exercise. I prefer to do this outside, which helps beat the cabin fever!
Whether you go for a run in the park, get on your bike or walk up a hill, you’re killing three birds with one stone: fresh air, heart pumping and out in nature! These three things are vital for your mental and physical health – key to staying sane during quarantine!
5. Do Some D-I-Y
Build something; revamp a piece of old furniture; make something new. The opportunities are endless! If you’re lacking inspiration for home DIY projects, check out this ingenius list from Lifehack.
6. Learn Something New
Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn a new instrument, make beaded jewellery, keep a personal journal or pick up a new language. Whatever you desire to learn, there are so many opportunities within your grasp!

If you’re interested in taking on a new academic style course, check out these free courses with OpenLearn.
More into creative endeavours? Check out CreativeLive for free access to live classes run by leading experts!
If you don’t fancy a course or a new personal project, how about listening to a new podcast? Podcasts are a great way to deepen your knowledge and keep your mind active.
There’s also plenty of amazing content available on TED Talks. There’s really no easier way to kill an afternoon than by listening to these inspiring speakers. Check out the current trending videos here.
7. Get Creative in the Kitchen
I know I’m guilty of having a handful of recipes that I make over and over and OVER again. I mix things up occasionally, but the staples are different variations of veggie chilli (sometimes I’ll use beans, sometimes lentils, sometimes sweet potato), one pot rice dishes such as spanish chicken, and different types of veggie burgers.

Well now we have the time to mix things up! It’s important to keep our minds stimulated by trying new things and learning to cook a new dish is something that’s a bonus for everyone!
This is definitely a time to focus on your health, so scrap the pasta and frozen pizzas and make something that’s good for your body and your mind.
Cutting down on processed carbs and adding extra vegetables is key. This doesn’t have to mean more work: frozen veggies can be thrown into any one pot dish in the final 5-10 minutes of cooking. An easy way to improve your 5 A Day ranking!
8. Be the Devil’s Advocate
It’s easy to fall into negative thought patterns during times like these! To help yourself stay sane during quarantine, challenge those thoughts of yours and others.
When you feel yourself going down the rabbit hole, fight it. Make an instant change in your environment. This can be as simple as turning off the TV or moving to another room.
Try a form of meditation. Meditation comes in many forms, so whether yours is through music, guided mind and breathing exercises or positivity podcasts, you have the ability to program your mind and not let your emotions be in control of you. This article from MindValley on positive thinking is really helpful.
So there you have it: 8 ideas to keep you sane during quarantine!

Take time away from TV and do things that are good for your mind, your body and your soul.
Of course it’s important to listen to yourself and acknowledge your fears, confront them and move on. But keep yourself in check and don’t allow them to consume you.
Health is of utmost importance right now and that includes having a balanced mind. Or as we Scots would say – keep the heid!